Safe Ship Moving Services



Safe Ship Moving Services

Specializing in corporate relocations, long-distance moves, and military transfers, we coordinate with vetted carriers for professionalism and care. Receive instant estimates and personalized plans to ensure a seamless, stress-free, and memorable move with us.

Safe Ship Moving Services on Labelling Moving Boxes

Moving into a new house can be so all-consuming that seemingly unimportant things – such as labeling boxes – can fall by the wayside, notes Safe Ship Moving Services. But labeling your moving boxes is essential when it comes to moving day. 

Why is it important to label moving boxes?

Labeling your boxes can help both you and your moving company, says Safe Ship Moving Services. 

Box labels will help professional movers determine which boxes need to be loaded first and where to put them once they're unloaded from the van. 

By labeling your boxes with specific details about their contents and where they should go, you can help professional movers load and unload your belongings efficiently. Once you arrive at your new home, you'll be able to easily identify which boxes you need to unpack first and which ones can wait.

It's also important to label fragile items so that you and your moving company know to take special care when handling them, adds Safe Ship Moving Services.

Essential items for labeling boxes

Before you start thinking about what to put, ensure you have all your labeling and packing materials ready.

Here's a rundown of what you'll need:

  • Rolls of bubble wrap
  • Cardboard and plastic boxes
  • Printable moving itinerary
  • Packing tape
  • Color pens
  • Color tape
  • Marker pens
  • Color paper
  • Packing labels.

How to label moving boxes

There's no one-size-fits-all approach to labeling boxes, but there are some tried and tested methods you can use that suit your needs. 

Make an inventory of your items.

Safe Ship Moving Services highly recommends that you make an inventory of all the things you need to pack. The company also suggests doing this digitally—if you write it down, you risk losing the piece of paper.

Keeping an inventory makes it easier to track missing items. Write down all the items that need to be packed, one room at a time. After packing an item, check it off the list and write down which box it is in. 

Use color-coded labels

Color-coded labels are especially popular with visual thinkers. It works like this:

  • Choose a color for each room. For example, your kitchen is orange, and your bathroom is blue.
  • After packing a box, label it with its appropriate color using a color marker or colored tape.
  • Place colored paper on the doors of each room in your new home. It will help moving professionals put them in the right place. 

Use a number system.

You can also try the super simple numbering approach if color coding isn't for you, notes Safe Ship Moving Services. Both methods work well whether you're moving straight into your new place or planning to store your items in a storage facility first. 

Just write a number on the box and the room it belongs in.

Pro tip: Put your labels on top and at least one side of the box so that its exact destination is visible to you and the moving professional.

Label boxes containing fragile items.

Fragile items need a little extra TLC (tender loving care) to avoid breakage.

Safe Ship Moving Services suggests wrapping each item individually with bubble wrap and paper before putting it in the box. Use bubble wrap or old fabrics to fill any gaps. 

Put a label on each side of the box that says, "FRAGILE: HANDLE WITH CARE."

Adding a label that reads "HANDLE WITH CARE" can further emphasize the importance of gentle handling. This extra precaution can alleviate any potential mishandling that may occur during transit.

You should also indicate which side of the box should face upwards, adds Safe Ship Moving Services. It will help remind you and your moving company to move the boxes with extra care and avoid getting them dirty or wet.

Safe Ship Moving Services specializes in corporate relocations, long-distance moves, and military transfers. It meticulously oversees the process from start to finish, ensuring each move is handled with utmost professionalism and diligence. Learn more about the company here.